Profile (:
im a girl name CHAN JIAMIN[찬지아민],
aged 15, borned on 21Sept'94.
Studying @ BNSS 4E3'10 without any aims.
with a CCA of Media Productions[Vice Chair].
My horoscope is VIRGO & i love...
Stitch & Scrump plushies & my frends.
plus my K/T-Pop idols...
SHINee[샤이니] & Super Junior[슈주]
Show Luo & more
Cheese cakes & Strawberry milk :P

Shout out loud.
1ooth Post Monday, May 24, 2010 5:28 PM
Lots of things happened dis month , but ive got onli 2 words to say cheer up ppl ! (:
n last long to u two !

Saturday 22/05 ill nver forgot dat day !
the way he told us to shuddup was so cute :X
the way he change lyrics was cute
the way he sang not in tune was cute
the way he forgot lyrics was cute
the way he laugh was cute
the way he promised was cute
the way he say thank you was cute
the way he dance was cute
the way he wan us to spam was cute

he wans us to say dat he ...
' CRIED , did a BACK FLIP etc..''
was CUTE !!!!!!!

wahahahas im so crazy bot him .
dis crazyness will stop when i stop spammin on facebook uhh..

i jus cant bring myself to say dat i love u (: # random

99th Post Sunday, March 7, 2010 8:41 PM

Decided to update my blog ,
came across lots of unexpected things happening in my life .
which makes mi both happy n sad .
HOWEVER, im still livin wif my life to the fullest .
regrets r meant to make u feel bad , so y mus i regret ? o.o

Lionel made mi a HERO today , n paiseh i gt bad observation skills :X
thx for e solution too .

tmr will b monday , pls make my strt of the week a good one ppl (:
simply loves everyone around mi now , openin up to more ppl .
n i cant wait for 1303 :D
Xiao Zhu, SHINee , FT.island cyas !
hope noth will go wrong on dat day, n i mus nt b tired !!
[ CIP ): ]

i wan dat GEEK specs uhh.
i cant seem to stop dis hatred growin in mi to dis 'club',
studies r definitely more important, y shld i waste my time dere .
hais, but dis will soon end so BARE wif it JIAMIN u can do it :P

realise dat i hates being alone , but this emptiness have been filled up.
THANKS lots n stop sulkin ull get older hahas .

addicted to ZOMBIE FARM .
cute mini zombies <33 guess no one will read my blog cos its DEAD after so long .
Photos time :

98th Post Sunday, January 31, 2010 4:44 PM
A day filled with 100% happiness. Today is my happiness and most memoral day of my life. I met seyong at mrt station and we went to Lot1 @ 6am. First train was so crowded. I talked to many people whom I don't know them at first, but we got to know each other later..

the place was flooded with SHINee fans,
for more info , approach mi ('_'')

97th Post Wednesday, January 20, 2010 9:30 PM
im gettin high n super hyper active after sch these days .

96th Post Friday, January 15, 2010 8:17 PM

loves the random-ness n craziness we had (:

photos taken durin sec 1 orientation camp , we used MP camera :P
dats the onli thing fun throughout the camp hahas .
been down lately wif no reasons n get high onli after sch ,
stress out ? tons of homeworks n tests ...
n everything seems to b driftin apart .
nvermind , work hard for the Os !!
2010 is such a weird year for mi hais .
it seems to b makin everyone tired n restless .
gonna do my Science practical hw, x2 Amaths , x2 Emaths, Chinese, Geog HOMEWORKS !

95th Post Tuesday, January 12, 2010 4:23 PM
today is a suay day :X
while waitin at techview for food ,
mi n seyong sensed sumthing runnin towards us .
N the next moment we screamed .
we saw a RAT , n it stood infront of us .
everyone was staring at us ,
after dat the cleaner used the tray n smack the rat ,
the cleaner looked lik shes playin golf using the rat .
she scooped up the rat n put it into a bag n threw it away .
after dat when i ate half of my food i saw spider in my food -.-

94th Post Thursday, January 7, 2010 7:48 PM
cyas on sat

93th Post Saturday, January 2, 2010 8:25 PM
today went to Tampines to shop for clothes :D
found a purple shirt wif hood n bought a pink shirt .
its my first purple colour shirt in my closet :X
cos mostly is black .
cousin treated mi cheese cake <33 n Little Red Fuji @ TEAdot
Dis drink taste milky n wif apple fragrance so nice ><
shoppin list :
plus Notebook !

92th Post Friday, January 1, 2010 9:16 PM
sch is gonna strt in 3 days time :X
time flies when we r having fun .
byes 2009 , n hellos to 2010!

bad memories shld b left behind ,
to allow space for better memories (:

THANKS to everyone who helped mi .

thanks seyong for everything uve done throughout these years .
thanks tongtong for being my frend for 11 years .
thanks joey for helpin mi in class . [ hope u lik my gift ]
thanks cynthia for entertainin mi whenever im bored in sch .
thanks junhong for being a good partner in class .
thanks eugene for ur 'entertainment' .
thanks weiyee for rmb-ing mi since pri sch :P
thanks to my brothers Ian n Ryan ,
for killin my boredom at home .

THANKS ! tag mi if ive left u out :D

happy birthday SUNGMIN (:

91th Post Thursday, December 31, 2009 8:12 PM

charlotte tay uhhs ? o.o'' cant believe i got trick zzz !!!
hahas , dis is a name created by someone's imagination -.-

today went parkway wif seyong , as usual shes late :X
saw sameo n weijie at the bus stop btw .
but we had lots of fun today , seeing lots of korean .
n had our lunch wif a ang moh :P
after dat we ate scoopz ice cream ,
i ate mint choco n choco . -.-''
seyong ate mint choco n grape ><
e grape is soo nice n sweet .
we stood at the staircase n zilian while ppl in singtel kept lookin at us .
we also exchanged christmas gift ,
ive a 3in1 gift or mayb 4in1 hahas ,
n everything in e gift is wad i wanted :D
thanks SEYONG for searchin for wad i wanted
& i appreciate dat whole heartedly .
& ur wrapin sibei zai :X

sch gonna reopen ,
homeworks not done n dats it !
jus received sms frm council n i dunno wad is happenin @_@
i jus noe dat its camp zzz , but about e details im simply blurr ,
cos im not informed grrr...
hais !
nvermind , chuan dao qiao tou zhi ran zhi ;D